I think I just arrived at an insight (although I am sure others have talked about this in various forms, as so have I).
Multiculturalism runs on trauma!
What else are all these people supposed to experience, after removing themselves from their familiar, AND comfortable places (even if they were poor and destitute, at least they had a place where they COULD BE poor and destitute - whereas here they are just some burden to society).
So, imagine all these hundreds of thousands of traumatized people. How do they live an function in a society, a Canadian society?
One of their (perhaps the only, and a powerful one, a defensive strategy), is to BLAME THE PLACE! To blame Canada! Canada becomes this racist, anti-human place, into which they could not "integrate," nor could their Canada-born children.
Canada has done nothing to immigrants (from non-Western countries). It has given them a plethora of assistance, from money, to special recognition, to elite status.
Yet, still, they hold a deep-seated grudge. They couldn't rise to to occasion. So, they cry Wolf! Racists!
More on this later...