Sunday, June 9, 2024

[Photo by: KPA]

Mezgebe Tselot (Book of Prayers), my mother's copy at her bedside.

This is what my mother reads every night, with a prayer for each night of the week.

"What day is it?"

"What day is it tomorrow?"

Then she finds the page she has carefully marked for the day/night, reads her prayer, marks the page for the following night, then is ready for another, peaceful, long night of sleep.

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View site as web version.

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Braids and Evening Prayer

[Photo By: KPA]

Friday, February 23, 2024

Red Red Roses

These red roses bloomed suddenly a couple of days ago, as though wishing to prolong the Valentine's spirit. 

[Photo By: KPA]

Saturday, February 17, 2024


[Photo By: KPA]

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Freshly Squeezed Orange Juice


Freshly squeezed orange juice three times a day.

A simple recipe: 

Use the local oranges, which are slightly smaller than the Florida-type imported oranges, slightly bitter (which is how I like them), and have a good amount of juice. They are also half the price.

Add the juice of half an orange to a regular-sized glass, and fill the glass to the top with water. No sugar, no honey, or any sweetener. It will have a slightly watery taste (refreshing), is a little bitter, but is still sweet. Keep the pulp and and add to the juice. Stir before drinking.

Friday, January 26, 2024

Happy Birthday, Lawrence Auster!

Happy Birthday,
Lawrence Auster!

Larry Auster had a whole collection of posts on George Washington, including this long one below on Washington's birthday. 

So it is apt that I post a GW birthday post on Larry's, which is January 26. 

Take time to read the hundreds of other commentaries that LA wrote on his blog/website/journal/and much more.

The post Happy Birthday, George Washington! starts below:


Happy Birthday, George Washington!

I’m glad for Washington’s sake that he doesn’t have to see what America has become, an America that, among other things, is outsourcing its vital functions, and even handing the management of its ports to an alien nation. But the memory and example of this great man can still inspire us with the thought that we can be better than we are at present. Here is a most life-like image of Washington, by Houdon, in which, looking directly into his face, we see both his titanic personal force and his seriousness as a statesman: 

Washington by Houdon head-on.jpg

Here is a nice way to learn more about Washington that I just came across, brief excerpts from his letters arranged by year. 

Below is a collection of past VFR writings about Washington. The first entry below features the photo shown here as well as another astonishingly life-like image of Washington by Houdon in the Louvre in Paris.


Happy Birthday, G. Washington! This Sunday we celebrate the 272nd birthday of the man who is justly known—though so few have an adequate understanding why—as the Father of our Country. That the Father of the United States of America was… 

Washington, our invisible father

One of the symptoms of the Western resentment of the father, as touched on in the previous entry, is Americans’ resentment of, or, at the very least, shocking indifference to their own national father, George Washington, whose life and character… 

G. Washington argues for Independence

Most people probably think of George Washington as, of course, strongly supporting Independence when it came in July 1776, and as putting his life, his fortune, and his sacred honor on the line to defend it, but not as a… 

Patrick Henry’s last speech

Here is a story for Independence Day which, though not about Independence Day, concerns two of the heroes of American Independence, George Washington and Patrick Henry. It’s about the time when Washington persuaded Henry, then old and sick, to come… 

Washington’s first inaugural address and America’s dependence on God

Analysis of the religious theme extending through the entire inaugural address.

Washington’s first inaugural address

Brief entry discussing and linking to my article on the inaugural address.

George Washington re-enactor

From the New York Times of all places, here’s a nice story that combines American history, Christmas, and a special kind of practical traditionalism: a profile of George Washington re-enactor James Gibson, who this year re-enacted along with seventy other…

Washington on the meaning of the national union

Anyone tempted to believe the paleo-libertarian and neo-Confederate notion that the United States under the 1787 Constitution was not intended to be a permanent and binding union, that it had no transcendent meaning to the Americans of the Founding generation…

Flexner’s Washington

James Thomas Flexner, biographer of George Washington, died this week in Manhattan at the age of 95. Here are some thoughts, written down a few years ago, about Flexner’s Washington….

James Thomas Flexner

James Thomas Flexner, author of a magnificent four-volume biography of George Washington, has died at 95 at his Manhattan home. Flexner is best known for a one-volume abridgement of his Washington biography subtitled “The Indispensable Man.” But the original four-volume…

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 22, 2006 10:35 AM | Send

Saturday, January 20, 2024

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መልካም ጥምቀት
Melkam Timket

[Photo By: KPA]

Thursday, January 11, 2024


My mother, on her daily morning
walk with me today.

Today, January 11, is my parent' wedding anniversary. I always joke that I came a day earlier. It was four years later, after my Godmother (to be) went to the Kulubi Gabriel shrine in Harar to ask for a child for them. I became their anniversary gift, and we celebrate both occasions together.

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Birthday Wish

Here is an email I sent to family and relatives living in Canada and the US:


Today, January 10, is my birthday.

My birthday wish is that all Ethiopians return home to their homeland, Ethiopia, as did our late father, who came back home.

I wish the same for you, that you find once again our homeland, beautiful Ethiopia.


My Birth Day


New York Public Library
Photo By: KPA, November 2017 

Another birthday in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, a place which continues to surprise me with its fortitude.

Here below is the Lion of Judah sculpture in Addis Ababa (and some background).

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Monday, January 1, 2024

My New Year's Resolution

[Photo by KPA] - Blue Morpho Butterfly 

(Taken at The Butterfly Conservatory, 
Niagara Parks Botanical Gardens, Ontario)


My New Year's Resolution: 

To keep fighting for Beauty especially, and the three  transcendentals - the Good, the True and the Beautiful, as God is the Good, God is the True, and God is the Beautiful.

Flowers for New Year