Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Excerpts from Zoom Meeting with the Sanford English School Alumni, Addis Ababa
Introducing Myself - Parts 1- 3

[See below to listen for my taped introductions]

The Zoom meeting took place on October 16. Due to still lingering jet-lag (or altitude readjustments?), I made it only to the last 20 minutes or so of the two-hour meeting, and the group's organizer just asked me to introduce myself. 

There were over 50 participants, as far as I could count on the Sanford Facebook page.

And here is the website describing the group's background, and other introductions.

I've posted my introduction in two parts:

Part 1 talking about my Kidist Foods Project
Part 2 talking about my plans to research Ethiopian art, and specifically, Ethiopian Orthodox Christian art, which I say is the backbone of the Ethiopian culture and civilization.

I tried to transfer the full two-hour session onto Youtube, but couldn't do so with my limited Youtube subscription.

Note: Please excuse the movement. The Sanford Zoom file (a 2+ hours session) was too large for me to upload, so I used my iPhone to record these excerpts directly from my laptop. I'm sure there is a better technology (a recorder on my Chromebook, for example), but I had recently deleted many apps, and didn't want to waste too much time looking for it, and re-installing it.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3