Early dawn, Monday-Saturday, and even earlier on Sunday, the nearby Ethiopian Orthodox Tawahedo Church plays via loudspeakers, chants, prayers, and readings from the variou Books of the Bible.
It used to annoy me.
But, it is a borrowed strategy, from other groups, to broadcast the Word of God to the masses, in the early dawn hours. For me, dawn is the magical hour. That is when I get up - at 4:45am - to start my work uniterrupted and in peace by 5am, with a cup of Joe in hand, and with the presence of God that I may not write the wrong words.
These dawn "broadcasts" set me for the day, fearless, and protected by God Himself.
I've alwyas said that the Ethiopian Christians KNEW how to find the environment that lets them live their lives through God, to be fearless, and to march on.
They built Ethiopia thus, the Ethiopia that is cited numerous times in the Bible. They are, agaisnt ALL odds, protecting and maintaining Ethiopia thus.