Clouds Above the Simien Mountains
There are brief, thunderous, minutes of downpour, true to the "kiremt" season of rains before the harvest season in September.
There is something majestic about these rains, which today occurred in early dawn.
There might be some later in the early afternoon, which didn't occur yesterday. Perhaps the wind blew them to another location.
I was thinking of the Simien - the Northern - Mountains, and how those many centuries ago, the group that would eventually found Ethiopia, and cultivate its civilization, becoming the Amhara group (now synonymous with Ethiopia), fared traversing those mountains during this thunderous rain, as they came looking for the ideal, God-given place to found their territory.
They chose the highlands, to make sure that no enemy would arrive unexpected. Their escarpments gave them a permanent, and natural, look-out.
And they succeeded.