Here are
those folks from VDare, who profess to represent Western society, without God, who put up an Easter post, without Christ.
In fact they did—Ethiopians have been Christians since the fourth century, before my own Anglo-Saxon ancestors.
But this Eastertide, looking at the children of America, we have to ask "Do they know it's Easter?"
Here are some facts:
The 1984 (political and ideological induced) famine in Ethiopia, that "
commissioned" Bob Geldof to produce his song, made millions of dollars, as its proceeds never reached those destitute people caught in the cross-fires of war and ideological turmoil, but rather went straight to the coffers of the soon-to-be Communist leaders, and made Geldof, who would have remained (and remains) a mediocre pop star, temporarily famous, and
This disjointed "Easter" - bunny - post talks about Christmas in Ethiopia. LOL. "Don't they know it's Easter in Ethiopia (next week)?" That's less catchy, isn't it.
It is easier to celebrate Christmas, which is about birth, and baby Jesus. But Easter? Crucifixion? For our Sins? That is hard core! And the VDare people just can't handle that.
That is the fate of "white" Americans, who have forfeited God for their own godhead.
And isn't Vdare all about "against immigration" and "against multiculturalism?" So why Ethiopia now? Hilarious.
Easter bunnies are cute, don't get me wrong. I like all the pre-Christian analogies which have somehow got incorporated in the Easter festivities. But bunnies ain't about Christ. First know your religion, is what I say, then bring in the gimmicks, and the fun.
The proper article title should have been: "They know it is Easter in Ethiopia,"because they do, Ethiopians know, it is Easter soon.
The VDare, folks, in their usual a-Christian obfuscations, channeled an ancient Christian country, thousand of miles away, to condemn the banned, yes, the BANNED!, Easter Egg hunts!
Who the hell cares about the "Easter Bunny," to paraphrase the VDare literati.
These same VDare folk make a big fuss about the Christmas tree (banned, again, wouldn't you know), while ignoring (or not giving it a recognition superior to that fateful tree) the birth of Christ, and other beautiful still present visual depiction in public squares, like the
LOL, all over again.
Here is the VDare
post, and yes, they use the word "hell" in wishing us, well, "A Happy Easter":
HAPPY EASTER FROM VDARE.com! And To Hell With The "Spring Bunny"!
In fact they did—Ethiopians have been Christians since the fourth century, before my own Anglo-Saxon ancestors.
But this Eastertide, looking at the children of America, we have to ask "Do they know it's Easter?"
Apparently the concept of Easter is so potentially offensive to the Christophobic, that the children of America can't even have Easter Egg hunts, and have to be taken to see, not the Easter Bunny, but the "Spring Bunny."
By the way, nowhere, nowhere, does VDare wish its loyal readers, who foot the bill to mainstay their fort on the Connecticut hills, a heartfelt Happy Easter. The best they can do, bunnies aside, is the bleak, darkened image of giant pagan crosses lit up on some dismal city skyline, which heads another dismal post on...immigration.
And the head honcho, Peter Brimelow, tweets all about this bunny, but nothing about Easter, as in Happy Easter. But, he goes one step further, hopping past that perky bunny. As his Easter Contribution, he posted on two "obscure" saints (by his definition), and wishes everyone a (not) happy Good Friday. Nothing about Jesus. He then garbles something about Passover (maybe he remembered Christ's Jewish ancestors?), Yom Kippur, Rosh Hashannah (all Jewish for those not in the know) and some tongue in cheek best wishes via the MSM (Main Stream Media - VDare's favorite news source ) a Happy Passover etc. He does this tongue in cheek, but is he really? Fascinating.
Saint Geldof