Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Russia and China Apologetics

In the name of the America that they abhor, the America of the hypocritical Biden, various blogs which should know better are putting all their poker chips on Russia and China with their apologetics.

And yes, the Russia of Vladimir Putin is REALLY concerned about spirituality! And China has no gulag-concentration camps, hidden from the acquiescing "Western media" What a joke. 

Why don't they "make America a better place?" rather than, like prisoners who hang on to the most powerful warlord, look for crumbs that may never, will never, come their way?

This was how Communism insidiously entered the modern world, with apologetics all over the place, many hidden. It is happening again.

Xi and Putin have NEVER denounced their Communist background. Their "modernization" is purely economic. Russians, and Chinese, can have what they "want," but they CANNOT say what they want.
