I know there is a tendency (desire) for Pan-Africanism, just as there is for globalism.
Pan-Africanism is just an extension of globalism, with the Rest of the World vs. whites and European civilization.
With Pan-Africanism, it extends to colonialism - those African countries taken over by colonizer white countries.
My view on colonialism is unique, although not only my views - some (few) Ethiopians share it, but I have never met an "African" who has agreed with it. The colonial period brought many things to Africa, including governmental systems (courts of law etc.), school and university institutions, and a unifying language - French or English.
Ethiopia was never colonized, and Italy's presence was an occupation, of war. Soon after, through allied forces - mainly British (who had their clever minds on something DIFFERENT in Ethiopia - occupation via a peaceful presence to build institutions - from which that wonderful English School developed), helped expel the Italians, who left Ethiopia bridges and macchiatos!
Ethiopians as immigrants, hyphenated Canadians/Americans, live a secluded, separate life from others, including other Africans (who are far, far fewer in number anyway). They do not see themselves as Africans - however arrogant that may seem but simply as Ethiopians, but that is their cultural history.
I've written about this, somewhere, and will retrieve it.
So, my message of "Go Back Home to Ethiopia" would be to Ethiopians, since I understand their psychology.
The recent African Union meetings in Addis Ababa are simply that viewpoint, forged by elitist, elite leaders (including the current PM and his female (Amhara) President). In her recent speech at the Victory of Adawa (against the first Italian incursion into Ethiopia in the late 19th century), she talks about this African Unity, then contradicts herself and presents Ethiopia as a unique land, separate from others. I have her speech, and will post/analyze it soon.
Part of her speech is a jaded, hidden agenda to "unify" Ethiopia. Her hidden message was that the Amhara, the usual "rebels" and non-inclusionists, need to be reined in. This, of course, is, as my many analyses show, because without the Amhara there would be no Ethiopia, (and without Ethiopia, there would be no Amhara), so it is in the best interests of the Amhara to talk collectively as "Ethiopians." By the way, the Oromo and the Tigray loath to speak themselves as Ethiopians, and it is the Amhara who say it boldly and clearly. This President Sahle-Work - whose mother's name is Kidist by the way - is an Orthodox Christian Amhara, and would refer to those moments in the Bible where Ethiopia is mentioned. And to remove "Ethiopia" would be to go against the Bible, and God.
And this goes back to the wisdom of the Ethiopian emperors, including Haile Selassie, who started this African Union institution, as a paternalistic move to HELP those African (colonized) nations, not in unity with them, who found areas for the non-Amhara (Muslims and other ethnics, including the Oromo, Tigray and a myriad others) regions within the greater Ethiopia so that they can live in peace AND in harmony with each other. Nonetheless, he, as did the previous emperors, would be a paternalist GUIDE for these non-Amhara natives, who needed his God-anointed leadership as their emperor.
So Sahle-Work's speech was a jumble of globalist, Pan-Africanist, post/anti-colonialist views that is running amok in Ethiopia, and amongst those smart, bright, intelligent, and dangerous leftist Amhara elite.
It is all fascinating. And it will NOT work, and it never has. So the AU is just a symbol, with an interesting building with some useful functions and some historical ties to an Emperor. And Ethiopia, thus, remains Ethiopia. Even a vicious 25-year Communist regime couldn't remove that.
This diminutive woman looks VERY Amhara, with her kind and intelligent face. AND she is so feminine, with the turn of her speech, which a male couldn't make.
I will not be so generous. I think other Africans, and blacks in Canada/America, can find their own way back "home," including the Caribbeans and South Americans (South American Guyanese, for example). When (as has already started) Ethiopians begin to show their big return home, others can follow by example. Ethiopia, through the AU possibly, can then show a paternalistic leadership to those countries who hail from the continent of Africa. And can be an example for others, such as Indians, Chinese, Mexicans, etc.
A "return to Africa" could be for American (and Canadian) blacks as well. But, again, even as elitist immigrant/post-immigrant Ethiopians insist on this unifying "blackness," few ordinary immigrant/post-immigrant Ethiopians would accept that, and even will be deterred by it. The only way to convince them is through their unique Ethiopianness.
And I agree with them.